Wednesday, December 22, 2010

WWW (9)- Merry Christmas!

I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS. The holiday cheer.  The mistletoe. The music.  The egg nog.  The Presents. The movies. The Vacations.  Family.  Friends.  It’s really just the best time of the year.

So since I’ve been teaching Christmas for the past two weeks to my children, I’ll continue the streak and teach you all some terms.  You know, just incase you spend a Christmas in Korea.  I mean, this is my second Korean Christmas, so you never know!

Korean: 메리 크리스마스
Korean Pronunciation: me-ri kuh-ri-suh-ma-suh (say it fast- it sounds just like Merry Christmas)
English meaning: Merry Christmas

Korean: 크리스마스 트리
Korean Pronunciation: ku-ri-suh-ma-suh tuh-ri
English meaning: Christmas Tree

Korean: 양밀 (스타킹)
Korean Pronunciation: yong-mil (suh-ta-king)
English meaning: Stocking

Korean Pronunciation: sun-mool
English meaning: Present

Korean Pronunciation: sooch, but somehow the "ch" is suppose to sound like "t", so basically its "soot"
English meaning: Coal

Korean: 굴뚝
Korean Pronunciation: kool-dook
English meaning: Chimney

And although I don’t teach the little ones, most Native English Teachers do teach those who still believe, so I thought this cartoon was just too hilarious to not include it.
Most Koreans live in an apartment; hence the, "house is no...
my is 'partment... chimney no"  So adorable!

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