Friday, December 10, 2010

FFF(12)- First Snow

Some of you may have already seen this, but since not all of my readers have facebook and I don’t expect those on facebook to be stalking my every move, I thought I would share this wintery fun fact on the blog.

With the snow, came knowledge: Whoever you are with during the first snow is suppose to be the love of your life/soul mate.

So obbbbbviously the first snow takes place while at school.  And obbbbbviously one of my hormonal, 14-year-old boys decides that this is the time to confess his love for me.

Remember when you were 14?  You were probably quite awkward… I know I was… its just that stage in life that we all come to accept 5-10 years later.

Well, this love confession screamed I’m an awkward 14-year-old and this is my first time telling a woman that I love her.

During one of our 10 minute intervals between classes, I was quickly drifting through the drafty, unheated hallway, warming my hands in my pockets and fully anticipating the heater in the teachers’ room, when one of my 2nd graders (equivalent to American 8th grader) stops me just short of the doorway.  “Teacher here”, as he reaches out, takes my hand and plops a snowball in my hand.

And let me tell you, snowball is a generous term for this freezing cold object.  I’d definitely describe it more as a ball of ice, which, obviously, immediately began to melt in my hand.

“Well… thank you… What do you want me to do with it?”
“Teacher, keep it forever.  Put it in the freezer.  We are together on our first snow!  We are soul mates.”
“Oh, yes of course… Now go to your classroom.”  Upon which time, I immediately ran to the bathroom and dumped the melting, cold thing into the sink and ran straight to the teachers’ room, avoiding any other students and making a b-line for the heater.

And of course, when it snowed later this week… and every time I see him now… “Teacher, remember?  First snow, teacher!  First snow!” 

Oh how could I forget?  Although cold, it was quite adorable and a piece of knowledge stemmed from the moment.  Let’s just hope that it doesn’t lead to me “breaking” his heart.

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