Tuesday, December 7, 2010

See Ya Later, Alligator

In Korea, there’s one thing that you can always expect- you will say goodbye to at least 10 people and more likely than not, never see them ever again.  This is actually quite depressing when you think about it… earlier I mentioned how close you inevitably become with all the other teachers, co-teachers, and military personnel here in Korea, so the thought of just saying 안녕히 is quite… dismal.  But let me be the first to warn ya, its gonna happen!
Just the other week, my closest gal pal become unemployed and homeless all within 24 hours, but thankfully had a one-way ticket to SE Asia.  So really, what’s there to complain about?  Well, I’m going to complain- I only had a brief 3 months with her.  I mean really, Kate, who am I going to wake up in an abandoned hospital, take a walk of shame in my dress and heals, and open a pizza store at 11am with?  And who’s going to overflow my bathtub (and bathroom) with bubbles when the floor’s getting a tad bit too dirty?  Oh and who’s suppose to hold your hair back when it’s been a rough night and ajooshi is pointing and laughing all while throwing back two bottles of soju?  Yeah, you’re right, I probably can’t help you in that last department anyway.  But seriously?   Come back to Korea?
So as we’ve all encountered out goodbyes, Kate and I made a promise that, as I dropped her off at the airport bus, making sure she secured a spot on the right-hand side to wave bye, that this was “See ya Later.”
And not just one “see you later”, but if we’re ever in the same country, I have to see you on a bi-annual basis… MINIMUM.  Maybe I just made that up, but Kate, I WILL see you on a bi-annual basis, even if you are in California and I’m parked somewhere in the Deep South. 
But first things first.  Our first “See ya later” will transpire come vacation.  As you may recall, Brandon and I have tickets to Kuala Lumpur, Cambodia, and Vietnam and it just so happens that Kate is homeless in no place other than SE Asia.  So perhaps this wasn’t a coincidence, but with dreams of visiting the rich-history of Cambodia and Vietnam and Kuala Lumpur as the hub of the cheapest Asian airlines (AirAsia- so much love!), Kate and I will reunite for a short 3 days in KL.  Needless to say, I’m super excited!!!
And from there, there better be more “See ya later, Alligators”.  Not just with Kate, but with the other mates (yes, I do have Australian friends here) who are traveling, side-by-side, drink-by-drink, lesson-by-lesson, fear-by-fear, mountain-by-mountain, country-by-country, memory-by-memory, through this once in a lifetime (literally) journey.  I’m really bad at goodbye, so it’s “See ya later, Alligator”, or if you’re from Australia “Afterwhile, Crocodile” is ok too!

And for some background music, the rising country star, Johnny Bulford:
Johnny Bulford- See Ya Later Alligator

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! This made me cry in the middle of my internet cafe! I love you so much Alex!! I'm so glad B shared you with me :) SEE YOU IN KL!!!!!!!!!
