Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WWW (13)- Malay

In two days... Its vacation time!!!  And with a new country comes a new language, which means for my lovely readers, a spontaneous Word of the Week Wednesdays.  Mixing things up!

Welp, as I'm sure you've heard, read, experienced, all of the above, I have a pretty rough fish allergy.  Although my throat doesn't close up and I'm not on the verge of death, I'm still pretty much TKOed for a few hours.  It’s basically not a pretty site and I quite honestly am avoiding like the plague, which considering the wealth of fish sauce in SE Asia, will be a large feat if conquered.  So I’ve used the handy-dandy Google translate app. and have translated these few sentences into Malay (the official language of Malaysia):

I am allergic to fish.
I am allergic to finned fish.
Shellfish is okay.  I can eat shellfish.
No salmon, trout, anchovies.

saya alergi terhadap ikan
saya alergi terhadap ikan bersirip
Kerang apa-apa. Aku bisa makan kerang
Tidak salmon, trout, ikan teri

Needless to say, I’ll be laminating a card with this info and carrying to all restaurants.  And definitely trying to obtain an EpiPen… just in case.

And some must knows:
Hello- halo
Thank you- terima kasih
Yes- ya
No- tidak ada
Bathroom-bilik mandi

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