Monday, January 3, 2011

It Just Comes Natural

(Pictures to come later!!)

As some of you may already know, as a meager 7th grader I took on the slopes, cruising down the mountain on a snowboard.  Well, until I fell and broke my arm.  In my defense, I was a gangly, meager 7th grader, with more legs than I knew what to do with and zero fat on my scrawny bones, so I basically had it coming for me.

But as I’ve grown into my body, my legs seemingly a bit more stout with each passing year and that whole zero fat thing goes away with each bowl of rice consumed, I timidly replied “Yes” on another William Cho and Discover Korea event- Skiing at Yong Pyong Ski Resort- only the best and highest ski resort in Korea.  But with a discount as brilliant as his offer, there was no turning back.

Making it there just in time for the evening/night ski and with Brandon’s bum knee, we opted for ski the first night and indoor water park/spa the next day.  Quite obviously we headed straight for the bunny slopes.  And let me be the first to brag to you- I’m a pro at the bunny slopes.  See ya snowboarding; I was obviously made to ski.

Very dry and slightly cocky, we took a right turn to the intermediate slopes.  Attempt 1: Flawless.  Attempt 2: not as lucky.  Although a small spill, in which I intentionally fell to prevent an inevitable, much larger plunge, my fall-less streak was over.  Fall-less over, but still as fearless as Taylor Swift.

A few more journeys down the intermediate, only 1 more fall (I hit an ice patch, upon which time, while falling to the powder, I yelled out to B “MAN DOWNNNN” ), and definitely no broken arms later, it was time to call it a night.  Lesson of the weekend- I’m slightly better at skiing than snowboarding.  Mayyybe B can get stationed at Ft. Carson, but only if I’m sitting next to a warm fire while not hitting the slopes.

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