Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WWW (14)- Khmer... Kinda... Not Really

Hello Siem Reap, Cambodia!

Still in SE Asia and still don't want to have an allergic reaction.  Unfortunately finding Khmer (the official language of Cambodia) isn't exactly easy.  But fortunately for me, the French decided to set up camp and colonize Cambodia between 1863 to 1953, making a substantial impact on the culture, including their language.

So despite not knowing these English phrases in Khmer, let’s pray that they retained their French!!!

I am allergic to fish.
I am allergic to finned fish.
Shellfish is okay.  I can eat shellfish.
No salmon, trout, anchovies.

Je suis allergique aux poissons.
Je suis allergique aux poissons à nageoires rayonnées.
Mollusques est correct. Je peux manger des coquillages.
Aucun saumon, la truite, les anchois.

And I’m going to be honest, from my few years of French, I’m nearly positive that Google Translate is slightly off... The least I can do is enjoy French bagettes and an abundance of brie.  So either lose 10 pounds by risking a few sketchy Cambodian restaurants or gain 10 pounds by enjoying the remnants of French colonization... yeah that was easy.

And some French must knows:
Hello- Bonjour
Thank you- Merci
Yes- Oui
No- Non
Bathroom- La toilette/ salle de bains/ WC

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